22nd ride of 2019 - Thursday, 5/2/2019

2019 mileage: 1689.2

Yesterday's weather drove me inside, to ride the stationary bike at LA Fitness, so I was very glad to ride outside today, doing another round trip to Baker Rd. Conditions were quite nice, so that I was able to ride comfortably in a short sleeve shirt. When I left a bit past 9:00, it was 52°, and up to 55° when I finished. Though it was cloudy, it was not oppressively gloomy; and there was a bit of wind, but not too much (about 5 mph from the south).

My MapYourRide app on my phone malfunctioned again (something that seems to happen every few weeks), About a half mile into the ride, it inexplicably slipped into Pause mode, and I didn't discover this and get it restarted until about eight tenths of a mile later, thus costing me both a bit of distance and time in my final stats. However, estimating, and extrapolating based on both past rides, and the data I did have, I'm saying that I rode 20.3 miles in 2:32.

Although I was still able to get a video of the ride, this malfunction affects it slightly, in the early part of the ride (making it look as if I cut across a portion of I-94 😁).


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