7th ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 4/3/2019

2019 mileage: 1349.1

Today was a nice day for riding, at 50° and sunny, though it was still clearly early spring. And there was a healthy wind (23-25 mph from the west), though it was tolerable due to the nice sunshine (as shown in this picture, taken just as I was turning into Stonebridge).

Anyway, I settled for a single round trip to Marsh Park, augmented by a loop in Stonebridge on the way home, giving me a 13-mile ride in 1:27. Even though it was on the short side, though, I was happy to be able to do only my 7th outside ride this year. I'm grateful for the miles I was able to do on the stationary bike at LA Fitness this winter, and I was able to settle into a fairly comfortable routine there, but now I hope that the time is here when (barring rainy days) I'll be able to ride outside for the next 6 or 7 months.


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