21st ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 5/30/2019

2019 mileage: 1656.2

Well, after taking Sunday off, I am now once more begun on a streak of riding round trips to Baker Rd. in Dexter. True, it's only a 2-day streak after today's ride ... but baby steps! And anyway, it also makes 6 days out of the last 7 for doing that same ride.

I'm told it's supposed to be spring now, but you couldn't prove it by the temperature: 42° when I began, at 8:30, and up to 45° when I finished, a little before noon. Like yesterday, I found myself wishing that I had worn gloves.

On the way out, I listened to my Devotional Music playlist on Spotify, and on the way back I listened to John Denver. When one song came on, it brought a smile, as it is a decades-old favorite which my brother and sister and I used to sing as we gathered around our Baldwin, with me tickling the ivories. (That reminds me of a joke my Uncle Joe used to tell, typifying the wit of my mother's family: "My piano has no hair. It's a Baldwin.")

There was an anomaly with the MapMyRide application on my phone. I noticed after the first few minutes that I was getting no Voice Feedback, so I stopped and checked it, and discovered that it had slipped out of cycling mode and into Run Treadmill mode. So I restarted it, but it meant that my measured stats of 19.9 miles in 2:34 were slightly short of the actual ones.


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