20th ride of 2019 - Monday, 4/29/2019

2019 mileage: 1636.3

After riding the 20-mile round trip to Baker Rd. (Dexter) each day Wednesday through Saturday, I was pretty worn out and decided to allow myself to be lazy yesterday and take the day off. So I was glad to get back to it today, riding another round trip to Baker Rd.

I had heard that rain was supposed to be moving in about noon, so I set off early,, leaving about 8:45 in 41° conditions. With the cool conditions and the gray, gloomy skies, I had to "set my face" resolutely and push on anyway.

However, the forecast I heard was inaccurate, and instead the rain ... which helped keep me from overheating 😎 ... began just after I turned around midway and started back home. As opposed to the WSW winds into which I was riding last week, today the wind (slightly less heavy, at about 10 mph) was from the east, pushing me on the way TO Dexter but in my face on the way home.

Once I got back, I saw that a friend had commented on Facebook, "You may not get much riding in this week with all the rain heading our way!" I wish I had known this before beginning today's ride! Between the temperature and the rain, I found myself sorely wishing that I had worn gloves.

The rain, which had begun quite light, grew heavier and heavier as I neared home (both the size of the drops, and their intensity). The conditions were so miserable toward the end that I took a very slight shortcut (even though it only saved me about half a mile from my usual route, past Michigan Stadium ... or the Big House). So I finished with 19.7 miles, in 2:17.


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