15th ride of 2019 - Monday, 4/22/2019

2019 mileage: 1535.4

On this day after Easter, and after having to go to LA Fitness to ride the stationary bike Thursday through Saturday due to April showers  I was glad to get back to riding, having taken yesterday off. And I enjoyed an absolutely MAGNIFICENT spring day, 61° and mostly sunny when I began at 10:45, and up to 69° when I finished.

Only one negative factor appeared. As I was just starting out, riding on the sidewalk alongside Lohr Rd., out in front of Best Buy, I passed a man trimming the right edge of the sidewalk with a power tool. As I passed by him on the left, he sprayed me with copious sizable chunks of mud and turf to decorate my (formerly) white shirt, glasses, and face. He called out, "SORRY!" and I threw up my hand in a gesture I hoped he understood as "No problem!"

I rode a round trip to Dexter (Baker Rd.) again, doing 20.2 miles in 2:30.


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