13th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 4/13/2019

2019 mileage: 1420.0

Thursday I didn't exercise at all, I was so sick with a heavy cold. And yesterday, cold rain all morning led me back to LA Fitness. So I was glad to be able to ride outside this morning, even though briefly. And the conditions were lovely ... when I began just before 8:30, it was 43° with a brilliantly sunny sky, and a bit of wind (15 mph from the WSW).

I decided to keep the ride quite brief, for two reasons. (1) We are hosting my younger sister Marianne, who is visiting from Georgia for the weekend. Here is a picture that Christy took of us when we all dined out together one evening last September.

(2) My grandson, Danny, has a soccer game this morning at 10:00 that Marianne and I are going to attend. Here's a picture of him atop my shoulders at one of Izzy's soccer games a few years ago.

So, I settled for a mere single loop inside Stonebridge ... one of my shortest rides ever, at 5.6 miles in 41 minutes.


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