11th ride of 2019 - Monday, 4/8/2019

2019 mileage: 1391.9

Today's ride allowed me to enjoy lovely weather conditions -- when I began at 11:15, it was partly sunny and 61°, a temperature which climbed to 65° by the time I finished. The only negative was the need to battle a modest breeze ... 12 mph out of the west.

However, this nice weather was offset by a pair of mechanical issues. First, within the opening mile of my ride I twice had problems with my chain coming off. I was able to get it back on successfully, but I was worried for a while that the problem might recur. However, a few miles into the ride, I had forgotten all about it.

The other issue was that, about 3 miles into the ride, the MapMyRide app quite working. This robbed me of the voice feedback (which I have set to emit every tenth of a mile) temporarily, and permanently ruined my stats (time and distance for the day).

While neither of these issues was a catastrophic fail, they combined to sap my drive, so that I decided to settle for a single round trip to Marsh Park, rather than the two I had hoped to do, giving me 10.2 miles in roughly 1:19 (I think).


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