10th ride of 2019 - Sunday, 4/7/2019

2019 mileage: 1381.7

A modest milestone — my tenth (only my tenth) outdoor ride of the year was achieved with an embarrassingly modest ride. I frequently take Sundays off as a rest day, so I told myself that whatever I did today was all to the good.

Accordingly, after an early piano practice session (I was there waiting for the door to unlock automatically at 6:30), I came home and allowed myself to settle for one and a half circuits of a route I used to run, calling it the Figure 8. Doing this all on sidewalks, I ride south along Lohr down to Ellsworth, then east to Oak Valley, up and around on that to Target, and then home via Waters and Lohr. Big change from yesterday's riding weather, too! By going out at 8:10 a.m. today, I rode under cloudy skies, in 45° conditions. Limiting myself as I did, I only rode 5.1 miles, and that in 43 minutes.


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