The Polar Vortex - Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019

2019 mileage: 513.2

A few years ago, a new meteorological term was coined—the "Polar Vortex," referring to a large mass of cold air moving upon us from the Arctic regions. Then for the last couple of years, we haven't heard it ... but now it's back with a vengeance!

Our new LA Fitness club, which opened earlier this month, has been a tremendous godsend. Without it, I'd have accumulated almost no miles so far this year—but with it, there is a digital counter on each of the stationary bikes to tell you how you're doing (the readout varying, of course, dependent on your pedaling speed/effort, and also the degree of resistance you have selected).

This morning, I was there at 5:30 (they open at 5:00 during the week), enjoying being able to ride in warmth despite the -6° actual air temperature when I got there (with a wind-chill of -32°). I rode 20 "miles" (taking me roughly an hour and a half), which is my standard effort there. And by diligence and discipline so far this year, I achieved today my first-ever month of 500 miles.

Doing the math, my good friend Tom Brown commented, "So, 6,000 for the year, eh?" That sounds good, but I know that days will come when, for one reason or another, I can't ride. Also, once I move back to outside rides, I won't average 20 miles/day. My goal for the year is 4000, and if I make that, I'll consider it a notable accomplishment. In 2016 I reached 3500 miles, in 2017 3000, and last year I got back to 3500, so 4000 would represent a new plateau of accomplishment.


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