2nd ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 1/15/2019

2019 mileage: 253.2

Today I rode in conditions for which "raw" would be a perfectly apt description. Michelle and I have a word for such weather—blukka—though we usually reserve it for even harsher conditions. However, today was cold (26° when I began, just before noon) and gray, with air that was exceptionally humid and felt quite clammy. The only good feature was that, for the second straight day, there was almost no wind.

Anyway, given the conditions, I allowed myself to settle for a relatively short ride—just a single round trip to Marsh Park, augmented by a loop on Interfirst Dr. I managed to do this 11.5 miles in 1:27.

Also, a note of clarification—I am saying this was only the second ride of the year, because I'm only numbering and counting my outside rides. But my mileage has built considerably beyond that, due to my riding the stationary bike at LA Fitness on all but 1 of the first 13 days of the year.


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